My Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials for 2011

I know the Super Bowl XLV is over since more than a full week and most of you must have been thinking in the last few days about the Valentine’s day or the Arcade Fire Grammy Award instead! I spent the last week grading some MBA projects so I was on a grading/rating mode and this is why I decided that selecting and rating the best Super Bowl commercials of 2011 could be a great idea for a post. So let’s get back to February 6th 2011, the day I was one of the lucky Canadians to be exposed to Super Bowl local commercials, which means that instead of watching the super commercials, I had the opportunity to see commercials from the FTQ, TD Bank and BMO, which were correct, as well as the ultra-silly CTV commercials on FOX of programs such as Flashpoint and The Listener. As listed by Adage, there have been 53 different commercials during the Superbowl XLV.

Super Bowl XLV Logo
Super Bowl XLV Logo

After having watched each of these 53 commercials, even the Groupon advertising related to Tibet, my top 10 of these commercials is based on ratings related to four components: (1) buzz potential, (2) originality, (3) brand awareness pumper, and (4) call-to-action; the first two components being related more to the emotional appeal while the last two are more related to rational appeal. Here are the definitions associated to each of the four components, as well as an “overall” component.

“Buzz potential” (BUZ) – Potential of the commercial to be shared across the Internet.
“Originality” (ORI) – Broadly answering how original is this commercial?
“Brand Awareness Pumper” (BAP) – How much it makes you “additionally” aware of the product?
“Call-to-action” (CTA) – How it influences you to know more about the product or to buy it?
“Overall” (OVR) – Summation of the four components score on 40.

So here is my top 10 from 10 to 1 as well as my ratings and my 2 cents about each of these commercials. Enjoy!

10 – BMW – Defying Logic

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 5
ORI – 5
BAP – 10
CTA – 9
OVR – 29

My 2 cents: One of many Super Bowl commercials related to the car industry. It is a great commercial in terms of the rational appeal with a solid call-to-action. However, it has relatively low potential for buzz. Furthermore, the main storyline is brilliant, especially to counter-attack the reviving American pride movement in the car industry.

9 – – Go First

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 9
ORI – 7
BAP – 6
CTA – 8
OVR – 30

My 2 cents: A funny video with important buzz upside. However, even though the call-to-action is well-presented at the end, the product advertised is only identifiable at the end.

8 – Career Builder – Parking Lot

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 7
ORI – 8
BAP – 7
CTA – 8
OVR – 30

My 2 cents: As a follow-up to last year commercial, Career Builder proposed a great metaphor, “being stuck in a dead-end in an organization”. The metaphor is well-implemented, but maybe too much second degree for some customers drinking beer during the Super Bowl.

7 – Bud Light – Hack Job

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 8
ORI – 8
BAP – 7
CTA – 9
OVR – 32

My 2 cents: My favorite Budweiser-related commercial. It is a great parody of the house makeover shows accompanied by a great call-to-action to the Bud Light product.

6 – Pepsi Max – Love Hurts

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 9
ORI – 8
BAP – 8
CTA – 8
OVR – 33

My 2 cents: The best Pepsi Max commercial of the Super Bowl, it is childish and reminds me of The Simpson’s Ball in the nuts episode but it works well.

5 – Bridgestone – Carma

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 7
ORI – 8
BAP – 9
CTA – 9
OVR – 33

My 2 cents: A simple but intelligent commercial, targeted mainly to women or boys who like sweet animals.

4 – Chevy – Status

Length: 30 seconds

BUZ – 9
ORI – 6
BAP – 10
CTA – 8
OVR – 33

My 2 cents: Sweet mix of romance and technology related to Facebook news update. Plugging a new Chevy feature in a cheesy story near Valentine’s day, what a shot!

3 – Chrysler – Born of Fire

Length: 120 seconds

BUZ – 6
ORI – 9
BAP – 10
CTA – 10
OVR – 35

My 2 cents: The longest commercial of the Super Bowl but also one of the clearest in terms of the message. The portray of both Detroit and the Chrysler 200 build with hard work and local pride embellished with the tagline “Imported from Detroit” is a slap in the face to the BMW commercial as seen on position #10.

2 – Volkswagen – The Force

Length: 60 seconds

BUZ – 10
ORI – 8
BAP – 9
CTA – 9
OVR – 36

My 2 cents: Voted by many as the best commercial of the Super Bowl, both simple and original at the same time.

1 – Motorola – Empower the People

Length: 60 seconds

BUZ – 8
ORI – 8
BAP – 10
CTA – 10
OVR – 36

My 2 cents: Based on George Orwell book entitled “1984” metaphor, this commercial is both a critique of Apple, as well as a “grand coup” to advertise the highly-anticipated Motorola Xoom tablet.


In conclusion, the Super Bowl XLV hasn’t been a great year in terms of Superbowl commercials, but each of these top 10 commercials has a least a “little something” to either make you smile or to make you think about your customer consideration set. So which one of these Super Bowl XLV commercials is your favorite? And why? Hope you enjoyed it!

Have fun!

Jean-Francois Belisle

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Budweiser Super Bowl Commercials and Bad Drivers

About 10 days ago, it was Saturday January 22nd (generally you remember those dates), my girlfriend and I were driving en route for a beautiful snowshoe trip. Few minutes before arriving to our destination, a driver completely burned a red light at an intersection and drove right into the front left wheel of my girlfriend’s car. The result was a 70-kilometers-difference accident. Few moments later, the car was wrecked, but most importantly we were miraculously OK, surrounded by Police officers, Firefighters and the emergency ambulance squad. I didn’t took pictures of the accident, I was too occupied living the moment and tried to help everyone implied in the accident, even the other driver who ran into us. Was this guy on alcohol (supposedly no!), was he on drugs/medication (it mainly looks like, since he first refused to go to Hospital after the accident, but I couldn’t confirm). Hours later, I was getting back to normal, and like in the cult movie The Big Lebowski, I simply wanted to yell at the other driver the F-word. Is that reaction noble-minded? No! Should it be? You decide!

Budweiser Ads during Super Bowl

So what is the link of my car accident with Budweiser Super Bowl Ads? Not a lot, except that it creates a awkward contrast and that Super Bowl XLV is this Sunday February 6th 2011 and I need to be alive to enjoy these commercials and continue blogging. Moreover, I don’t understand why from a ROI perspective Amheuser-Busch, the company behind Budweiser, should buy five spots during the Super Bowl (three 30-second Bud Light spots; a 60-second Bud spot and a 60-second ad for its import, Stella Artois, for more on the topic, you can read this USA Today article on Super Bowl ads, and see a “sneak” of the Budweiser Super Bowl XLV 2011 ads below)? Here is my take in three points explaining why 5 spots are too much and why 2 or 3 spots may be more optimal!

1. Awareness is already topped

Most people watching Super Bowl associate the event with Budweiser ads anyway! One ad for the Stella Artois and one for the Bud Light lime or a more girlish beer would be enough, especially if there is a link to the Budweiser website at the end of the ad, where other cool ads not shown during Super Bowl can be found. Also, it would create more scarcity and make these ads even more special.

Furthermore, awareness for the Budweiser classic beer is already topped for most people, if you like it, you consumer it, if you hate it, you don’t consume it, but most importantly, you already know it. Personally, I always enjoy these ads, but last time I tasted a Budweiser beer, my reaction was that it tasted like “s**t”, and I guess I’m not the only one. On the other side, awareness for the Stella Artois and the Bud Light lime could still be improved, this is why I would keep these spots.

2. Buzz can be easily generated

Completely abandoning Super Bowl ads for Budweiser may not be the best idea, however, at the end of each spot, referring people to the Budweiser website would be a great idea. The buzz would be easier to create than for any other ad seen on TV this year.

The Budweiser horses are back this year for Superbowl XLV
The Budweiser horses are back this year for Superbowl XLV

3. Putting money elsewhere – Diversification maybe the solution

Saving money from a 3 million dollars 30-second spot may leave money for other activities. Diversification in packaging, diversification in flavors, even though the classic Budweiser is a best seller, it’s a topped bestseller. Investing more money in R&D and diversification would be a better idea than on these ads. For more on successful product diversification, I propose to enjoy the classic TED presentation (see video below) of Malcolm Gladwell discussing the Howard R. Moskowitz diversification strategies in the food industry with a special focus on spaghetti sauce.


Some might say the savings in millions of my humble propositions are nothing for a company like Anheuser Busch? My argument on this one, is that any money saved and better invested is great for the company. In conclusion, Budweiser Super Bowl ads are always nice to watch anyway. A great beer is still part of a great party. However, responsibility is also part of a great party. To relate to my first portion of this post, don’t drive if you drink too much, enjoy life and enjoy the Super Bowl XLV!


Jean-Francois Belisle

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